Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I searched myself,
I defined myself as one of those, then
one of different those and keep defined.
then, on one fine day,
I found, I am yet undefined.

that made me happy then,
but being not defined is against
the rules of this world.
people probed me, as if,
I am the one with sin.
they showed how happy they are,
being part of borrowed self.
I laughed...

then I put myself,
in the roads of
dry reasoning,
enigmatic spiritualities.
that made me drunk for time being,
yet, on next morning,
i was all alone.

I seek my reflection,
on the ever flowing river
of crowd around me.
I checked whether I am
structured by friends around me.

but, no luck, friend,
I am yet
an unresolved puzzle.
I am missing piece
of jigsaw set.

No meaning,
assumptions here.
else is game,
played for the fun.
watch if you wish,
else you can play.
but don't ask me,
what it is?
no meaning,
assumptions here.

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